Sustainable construction
Sustainable construction
Sustainable outcomes will result from good site management to encourage resource efficiency, increase materials recovery and avoid disposal costs.
You can achieve sustainable construction by:
reducing construction, demolition and excavation waste to landfill
reducing carbon emissions from construction processes and associated transport
ensuring products used in construction are responsibly sourced
reducing water usage during the construction process
carrying out biodiversity surveys and following up with necessary actions
Using water wisely
Water supplies are precious so it is vital we protect them. Your development can play a vital role in securing future supplies. Please work closely with the water companies to plan new supplies and design water-efficient homes.
Strategic Forum for Construction – tips on saving water
You must contact the enviro agenmcy if you are likely to be:
abstracting water from surface or underground sources
interrupting the flow or impounding water from a watercourse
drilling any boreholes within 16m of any flood defence structure
discharging to a watercourse or into the ground
Environmental permitting – making it easier for you to work with the enviro agency
Sustainable drainage systems (SuDS)
SuDS is a technique that manages surface water and groundwater sustainably. It is extremely effective.
The benefits include:
reducing flood risk
minimising diffuse pollution
maintaining or restoring natural flow regimes
improving water resources
enhancing amenity
For more information on SuDs visit the construction industry research and information association website:
Code for Sustainable Homes
The Code for Sustainable Homes is a standard for the sustainable design and construction of new homes. The Code is used in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
In England, the Code is voluntary for privately funded development, but publicly funded new housing must achieve Code level 3. In Wales, achievement of Code level 3 has been required from September 2010 for all new housing developments.